Monday, December 7, 2009

Do you buy toys? Thought so..I need your help

You can comment on my Facebook page at

Or comment below by clicking on…comments.

Thanks, me


Shaina said...

I love to hear about any sales, promotions, contests, or giveaways going on via Facebook. Toy or coupon giveaways are always a good thing, they really draw in a lot of people. Maybe an "add us on facebook" for your chance to win ___?

Posting on facebook is a GREAT promotional tool. I would not know about half the deals I post about on my site if they didn't first show up on Facebook. It really is a great way to reach a lot of people at once!

Oh and by the way, Samuel is sooo adorable! :)

Andy Traub said...

Thanks for the comment Shaina. We're just starting our use of Facebook and enewsletters right now for the store.

You can sign up to be a fan by searching for Child's Play Toy Store on Facebook and you'll get updates that way.

You can sign up for the enewsletters at the store. They have a reading day tomorrow! Hope you can make it.